Monday, June 3, 2013

Books vs. e-readers

Only when I began to use the Nook, in which my class had been given for a new course in school, had I began to miss actual books.  Of course, having an e-reader made access to any book as simple as a click of a button, and have any word defined to you, but having the feel to an actual book became more intense.  The feeling of accomplishment you get when you close a book may not be the most exhilarating thing, but it's a small task you've defeated. With the e-readers, more particularly the Nook, all you get is the little numbers on the bottom on the screen to match up.  Also, you're sense of control over the book is diminished. There's no flipping back to a certain page, or skipping forward to see how much longer the chapter will continue. But either way, however you like it, the choice is yours...books or ee-readers?


  1. I agree wih you. I think reading from an actual book gives you a sense of real accomplishment. I also like that in books, you can easily flip to the back of the book to see how many pages you have left. But on the other hand, I enjoyed using the nook because I can easily define a word and can also find the the key selections I highlighted while I was reading.

  2. I agree with what you wrote! E-readers are a good idea but I like actually having a whole book in my hands. I don't like not being able to see how far I've read and I like the smell of a book (which sounds so weird) but it's true. I liked your insights on e-readers! you're very wise.

  3. I feel the same about reading actual books. Before the ebooks physical books were the common thing for reading, so it's strange to read from a screen. At times I missed the physical books, but more for their convenience for English assignments. With ebooks there is the point of how they save trees, can store a lot more than a room filled with books, and it is easy to carry around. I feel it depends on why you are reading a book and what you will need it for.
